Location: Goregaon East, Mumbai
When was the last time one saw such sky,
When was it, he heaved a peacedul sigh,
A sigh of the acknowledgement that GOD exists.
Of the faith in that divine painter, that persists.
It seems so far now, the sight of ten days back,
For now faith is what one does lack,
Sigh, one awaits now another day, another night...
Not knowing where his course will, perhaps to another dastarly sight...
One still lives in hope..that perhaps a new day will bring that change...
The one we all speak of yet fail to define in its exact terms...
Whether its from terror we wanna be freed...of from the fear of terror...
Whether its a new way to deal with it...or just same without any error...
Faulty jackets...Flawed guns...
A PM making speeches...full of unintended puns
He speaks of peace..social harmony...the spirit and all
To defend which, men strive...it leads to their fall..
Is it this spirit that I crave for ...the ignore it and move on factor...
Is life limited to this...limited roles...of an undirected actor...
Sigh...what am I typing...why am I typing...
A blurt of anguish perhaps...
All one wishes for now is peace...
Of bloodless roads...and beautiful skies...
A Mumbai in its essense...A Mumbai and an India at peace!!!
awesome picture